


簡單講就是擔心傷勢還沒好完全,所以今年的歐錦賽不打了。很正確的決定,要想想球隊花多少錢在你身上。不要在乎那些批評,我可是很期待你能進明星賽,給那些說你over paid的人一記耳光啊。


France National Team keeps encountering difficult situations in the wake of the decisive qualifying games for European Championship in Poland. After Tony Parker (183-G-80) went down with injury which proved not be so serious, anther player was forced to leave the squad. Joakim Noah (211-F/C-85, college: Florida) did not receive the clearance from his team Chicago Bulls to take participation at the upcoming qualifying games. Even though he started preparations and played at the Tournament in Strasbourg, Noah was forced to withdraw form the team even though he is not injured. It is expected that French Basketball will file an appeal with FIBA because of the treatment by the Chicago Bulls regarding Noah. It remains to bee seen how the situation will develop further, but everyone at French National Team are hoping Noah will get the clearance and will be able to help his team qualify for EuroBasket.
Joakim Noah played collegiate basketball at University of Florida. In 2006 he has won National Championship and was voted Tournament MVP. That season he played in 40 games, posting averages of 12.0 points, 8.4 rebounds and 1.8 block per game while shooting 60.5% for two. In 2007 he was drafted by Chicago Bulls as 9th pick in the NBA draft. In his first season with Bulls, Noah appeared in 74 games and averaged 6.6 points and 5.6 rebounds. Still his first season was also marked by on court and off court incidents which led to several games suspension for the player. However, last season Noah improved his game and averaged 7.0 points and 8.0 rebounds while shooting 55.0 % for two in 86 games. Noah is a member of French National team since 2008. 

一樣是不打歐錦賽了。這個是球隊不放行,法國隊還想向FIBA申訴,不過我是不曉得FIBA能對芝加哥公牛球團作出怎樣的處分啦,難不成能罰錢不成?最好是公牛球團會鳥FIBA。法國隊真是屋漏偏逢連夜雨,Tony Parker才剛剛因為有小傷被馬刺球團叫回去呢。不過我得說,就算法國隊能把那些NBA球員全部湊起來(這帳面上看來可是能夠與西班牙一拼),他們也有一個非解決不可的問題---罰球。我可是記得很清楚法國男子籃球隊是怎麼搞掉奧運門票的XD。

不管如何,這對公牛球迷來講絕對是好事,夏天好好訓練好好休息才是正經。兩年前Viktor Khryapa在歐錦賽上呼風喚雨,跟AK47聯手替俄羅斯拿下冠軍,我看的也很爽,不過最後Khryapa先生還是被公牛給買斷合約裁掉回俄羅斯去了。


4.Linton Johnson與DeMarcus Nelson被裁掉。因為去年簽的是保障約的關係吧,裁掉再重簽好像可以省一點錢。我看開季訓練營還是會找他們的。板凳末端的球員,不是那麼要緊。

5.David Lee?繼Bozzer之後另外一個傳出謠言的內線球員。相較於Bozzer,我不認為Lee能帶來更大的幫助,而且他鐵定要長約。反正傳出來的就會謠言幾乎都會死掉,不理他。



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